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On behalf of Heaven’s Army and the families that received food and supplies in the aftermath of Hurricane Harvey, THANK YOU! The trips that you and your team made over here with supplies didn’t just bring much needed food and supplies but gave us hope that things would be ok again, we would recover, we would rebuild, and that life would go on.
Through the love and generosity of Victory Life Church -Camp Victory and others like you Heaven’s Army was able to assist over 40 churches which sheltered and assisted thousands of people, over 95 shipments of supplies were sent out. We were also able to assist families in purchasing needed materials and appliances to rebuild their homes.
Thank you for your willingness to be the hands and feet of Jesus!

We have a great debt to Frank Griffith, and the many that he recruited to assist us in our time of need.
To say October 2018 changed the landscape of Panama City and surrounding areas would be an understatement. There was a panoramic devastation that took place.
As the days following the hurricane, it became quite a challenge to function in any sort of normal. It was during this time, the response of Frank’s extended ministry of Victory Life Church began to evolve.
He championed folks from a number of resources to bring a truck and trailer load of toys and gifts for children who would be faced with not any source of Christmas.
This would not be the only time he would arrive at our location, as he continued a couple of more times, rallying people to our aide. He escorted them here so that they might see first-hand our situation, and our rebuilding.
His trek from Foley, Alabama was an undertaking in itself, not to mention all the assistance he provided in this venture.
To know that someone is pulling and praying for you was such an immense help.
His combined outreach became the hands and feet of Jesus to us. We are grateful, and have a great indebtedness to what was done.

Dear Pastor Griffith,
It is with great gratitude that we say thank you! You personally, as well as your church and family made trip after trip coming to our rescue immediately following the devastation of Houston from Hurricane Harvey. Along with all the supplies, the cots, the food, the tarps, the financial assistance, you also took your time to personally cook for us. And then on top of that, you ministered to our spiritual needs as a pastor. You advised us, encouraged us and loved us.
Because of your help, we were in turn able to help our community and other Houston area churches in a major way. Thank you for the decades you have served and for the multiple times you have come to the rescue of Texas. On behalf of the entire Disaster Pastor Network, JDSMI, Embassy Church and hundreds you never met, but supplied for we can say we will never forget your generosity.
May God bless you and in turn may we follow your example of rushing to the aid of others in their time of need.

If you received heavy duty yellow gloves yesterday, it was from this group from Alabama! Their last names were Griffith too! Divine intervention! God bless you for all you all delivered and the people’s lives you touched. We are blessed to have met you!. May God bless your ministry!

Thank you International Aid and thank you Victory Life Church.

Thank you Pastor Frank and Gayle Griffith for bringing donations to Acuna, Mexico during a bad flood…Many families from our community were blessed and taken care of during a very difficult time. Thanks for all the blankets, clothes, cleaning supplies, groceries and many more items.

Leave your own testimony or share a story from partnering with us at Camp Victory Life.